2024 – 2025
Executive Committee
Executive Committee, which shall provide executive management and leadership to ensure the effective and efficient administration of the Grand Chapter. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, Grand Captain of the Host, Grand Principal Sojourner and Grand Royal Arch Captain.
The Executive Committee shall obtain nominations annually for the General Grand Chapter Distinguished Service Medal, therefore from the constituent Chapters and, in connection therewith, draft its own procedures, maintain absolute secrecy, and certify its nominee for such award to the Grand High Priest as well as all other awards issued by the Grand Chapter with the exception of those requested and issued by local Chapters under their authority.
Long-term Planning shall also be the responsibility of this committee, establishing and maintaining a 5-year plan critical to the function of the Grand Chapter.
David Sokol, Grand High Priest, Chairman
David Rathgeber, Grand King
David Anderson, Grand Scribe
Leland Routt, Grand Treasurer
Richard Bullard, Grand Secretary
Steve Goad, Grand Lecturer
Michael Miller, Grand Captain of the Host
Jonathan Prestage, Grand Principle Sojourner
Michael Murphy, Royal Arch Captain
and other Department Grand Officers
Committee on Capitular Jurisprudence
Committee on Capitular Jurisprudence, which shall consider and report on all questions of Capitular or other Masonic Law, examine and report on amendments to the By-laws of constituent Chapters and consider and report on appeals from the decision of Chapters, of High Priests and on all controversies between Chapters and shall review all Capitular trial records.
R. Scott Husmann PGHP, Chairman
Michael L. Miller GCH
Steven R. Goad PGHP
David W. Studley PGC
Paul Erickson
Committee on Finance
Committee on Finance, which shall consider and report on all matters of a financial character coming before Grand Chapter, before action thereon, prepare and submit to Grand Chapter the annual budget, covering Annual Convocation expense, salaries and expenses of Grand Officers, salaries and expenses of the Grand Secretary’s office, expenses of Deputy Grand Lecturers and Inspectors and all other incidental expenses. The Committee on Finance will consist of five members, four of whom will be the Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary.
Raymond A. Broomfield PGHP
David M. Anderson, GS
Leland G. Routt, GT, PGHP
Richard W. Bullard, GSec, PGHP
Michael L. Miller, GCH
Committee on Policy and Purposes
Committee on Policy and Purposes, which shall consider and report upon such matters as may be referred to it, which shall include matters not referable by express provisions of existing Law to some other Committee or may be termed matters of policy and as to which it is deemed that reference to such Committee is advisable.
David M. Anderson, GS
Leland G. Routt, PGHP
Gary W. Spriggs, PGHP
Committee on Credentials
Committee on Credentials, which shall examine and report on credentials of each member, his name, rank and Chapter. The Committee on Credentials shall consist of not more than (4) four members
Michael D. Murphy, GRAC
Philip A. Hardiman PGHP
Jonathan H. Prestage GPS
Cameron T. Williams
Mark A. Nielsen
Committee on Time and Place
Committee on Time and Place, consisting of the Grand King, Grand Scribe, and Grand Secretary Ex-Officio, together with similar Committees of Grand Council and Grand Commandery, shall be the Grand York Rite Sessions Committee and shall report in writing, at each Annual Convocation its recommendations regarding the time and place of the next three (3) Annual Convocations, pursuant to the adoption of the guidelines and outlines as approved by the Grand York Rite Council; also the Companion appointed to be General Chairman of the local Annual Grand Sessions Committee, one for each of the next three (3) Annual Convocations. Each such appointment to be for a three (3) year period.
David G. Rathgeber GK
David M. Andersen GS
Richard W. Bullard G Sec, PGHP
Committee on Chapter Organization
Committee on Chapter Organization, which shall examine and report on the books, work and methods of Chapters Under Dispensation, and the issuance and reissue of Charters, investigate the advisability of consolidation of Chapters, whose membership desires such consolidation and, if considered advisable, encourage and assist in consummating such consolidation. The committee should coordinate their efforts with the Deputy Grand Officer and Inspector of the individual districts as needed.
Michael L. Miller GCH
R. Scott Husmann PGHP
Committee on Ritual
Committee on Ritual, including the Grand Lecturer, who shall be chairman, thereof, which shall have the custody of the Ritual and be charged with the determination of all matters relating to its interpretation and rendition, and subject to the approval of Grand Chapter, its amplification or revision.
Steven R. Goad, PGHP, Grand Lecturer
Deputy Grand Lectures
Committee on Investments
a) The Committee on Investments shall administer the funds of Grand Chapter and shall consist of five (5) members: a Chairman and two additional Companions, each of whom shall be experienced in matters of finance and investments, the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary being the fourth and fifth members of this Committee but having no vote.
(b) The investment of such funds and the disposition thereof shall be approved by at least a majority of the members of the committee:
(c) This committee shall select, with the approval of the Grand High Priest, a national brokerage firm or firms or dealer or agent to purchase or sell bonds and other securities of Grand Chapter and its boards or entities in the manner and as authorized by the Investment Committee and Regulations of Grand Chapter.
Ray Broomfield PGHP
Richard Bullard PGHP
David G. Rathgeber GK
David Anderson GS
Michael Miller GCH
Committee of Public Relations and Grand Chapter Website
Committee of Public Relations and Grand Chapter Website, which shall direct public relations activities of the Grand Chapter, shall produce or cause to be produced promotional materials such as brochures, videos, and publicity procedures as will promote Royal Arch Masonry.
Additionally, the committee shall also be responsible for the maintaining and enhancing a Grand Chapter Royal Arch website on the Internet. This portion of the committee shall consist of not less than 1 (one) Webmaster to serve at the will and pleasure of the Grand High Priest.
Mark A. Nielsen
Marty Cushing
Scott McNair
Committee on Royal Arch Masonic Education, Leadership & Development
Committee on Royal Arch Masonic Education, Leadership & Development, which shall be responsible for assisting the Chapters within this Jurisdiction in educating their members by furnishing them with suggested Masonic educational programs and/or materials. Such information should be made available from the Grand Chapter website.
The committee shall be comprised of five members and shall work in association with the Grand Chapter Website committee.
This committee shall also report on all matters specifically referred to them. Their duties shall continue during the current capitular year and shall cease at the close of the next Annual Convocation. This Committee shall, in close consultation with the similar committees of the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of the State of California and the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of California, develop, advertise and resent each Capitular Year leadership training suitable to the mutual needs of Chapters, Councils and Commanderies of the York Rite of Masonry in California, at appropriate locations throughout the jurisdiction.
In addition, the committee is charged to check the Grand York Rite website regularly and coordinate changes and updates with the Grand Office and Webmaster(s).
In regards to Leadership and Development an emphasis should be focused on the Southwest Regional Conference training on leadership and disseminate that information to all chapters in the state.
William Miklos
Casey Low
Phil Hardiman
Bruce Rick
Matthew J. McColm
Mark A. Nielsen
Audit Committee
Audit Committee, consisting of 3 members, whose duty shall be to examine the books of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary as soon as provided elsewhere herein, Note – 46. Audit or Review of Books
Ray Broomfield PGHP
David Rathgeber GK
Committee on Membership/Blue Lodge Outreach
Committee on Membership/Blue Lodge Outreach, which shall be responsible for fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between the general public, Blue Lodges, Constituent Chapters, and Grand Chapter by enhancing the positive public opinion of the Grand Chapter in general by providing informational education for prospective candidates, members, and families. It is critical to the survival of Royal Arch Masonry to become very aggressive with membership. One of the committee goals would be to effectively work with the Ritual Committee in the conferral of the Mark Master Degree for interested masons in at least one lodge in each division each year as a special event honoring that lodge.
Joseph K. Dongo PHP
Anthony T. Yuson
Michael D. Murphy
David M. Anderson
Michael L. Miller GCH
Committee on Masonic Youth and Scholarships
Committee on Masonic Youth and Scholarships, which shall develop and promote methods of increasing interest in and support for our Masonic Youth Groups. This committee will also establish a program for the awarding of financial aid to worthy students who are Masonic Youth, by establishing the criteria and requirements of the award.
David Anderson
Thomas C. Chavez PGHP
Thomas Colgan DGL
Douglas Strother
Michael Edwards
Donald Black
Special Committees
David M. Anderson GS
Thomas C. Chavez PGHP
Deputy Grand Lecturers & Inspectors
Anthony Yuson
Tommy McClellan
Ray Broomfield
Douglas Strother
Thomas Colgan
Thomas Krummell
Partners Special Committee
Partners Special Committee, which shall be responsible for fostering relationships among the partners and wives of the Grand Officers of the Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons of California by:
Sharing information and coordinating activities and events with the Grand Officers in order to promote inclusion and dissemination of information; aid in preparing the Grand Line Officers and their partners for their future duties and responsibilities; maintain an open line of communication between the partners and the Grand Officers.